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  • Preferred option
    One-Time Payment (save $110)$2180.00
  • Preferred option
    6-Month Payment Plan6x $382.00

Want to add a 1:1 call with Sarah to your enrollment for 50% off?

Add a 60-minute 1:1 call to your enrollment for $395 $198!
Use any time within 6 months of enrolling.

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The Guided Track Fall 2024

A LIVE 8-week small group intensive for lawyers who want to jump start their search for an alternative career


An 8-week small group experience led by Sarah to help you move through the Former Lawyer Framework with additional support and accountability 

Week-by-week Action Plan designed to take you through the Framework in 8 weeks 

Weekly LIVE group coaching calls with Sarah to check-in on your progress, answer all of your questions, and tackle issues as they arise 

Free strengths & personality assessments ($105 value) 

Small group—capped at maximum of 6 participants

Included in your enrollment in the Guided Track is lifetime membership in the Former Lawyer Collaborative ($1195 value)


The Fall 2024 Guided Track cohort will be a breakfast-time/lunchtime cohort. Calls will be held from noon Eastern/9 am Pacific to 1:30 pm Eastern/10:30 am Pacific on Fridays, October 4th—November 22nd

Participants are asked to come to the group calls with their cameras on to facilitate the group experience


"I've appreciated the accountability and confidentiality of the group, and I've been very grateful for the support of like-minded attorneys who 'get it'. The Guided Track has helped me keep a comfortable pace to steadily progress each week."

"How would I describe the Guided Track? An intensive boot camp that will give you a kick in the pants to get moving on finding something you really want to do with your career. Sarah is really thoughtful and takes the time to listen to and support her clients. She is a great sounding board and really cares about helping people find their path forward."

"Participating in the Guided Track helped me break the cycle of deciding to stay when at a high point then despairing when hitting the next inevitable low point. Sarah has intimate knowledge and insight of what it is to practice law and why it doesn’t work for many people. Other career coaches don’t necessarily understand the psychology and pitfalls behind leaving the law."

  • Total payment
  • 1xGuided Track (Fall 2024)$0

All prices in USD

  • What are the important dates?
    Fall 2024 Guided Track calls will be held on Fridays from noon-1:30 pm Eastern/9 am-10:30 am Pacific from October 4th through November 22nd.
  • Are the calls recorded?
    No, the calls are not recorded so that everyone feels free to speak freely.
  • What if I want support like this but can't make the group calls?
    If you're looking for a similar process but with 1:1 accountability with Sarah, check out the Collab Plus 1:1 program.
